Double Zero
- I declared victory too early for the battery dingus. That 12V battery seems to be toast now. I can get the car running, but the main display panel–which includes the speedometer–doesn’t turn on.
- The pizza dorks on the /r/pizza subreddit seem to mostly use 00 flour for their pizza dough. I’d avoided buying that mess beacuse I’m cheap and it’s way more expensive than regular bread flour or all-purpose flour. I expected (hoped) there to be no noticeable difference. But I finally got around to giving it a try, and made “proper” 00 flour pizzas last night. It made a big difference. Best pizza I’ve ever made. Sonofa…
- Not even one full week into whatever the hell this is, and I’m tired, boss.
- I learned about the
Details & Summary HTML Tags
No idea how long these've been a thing. But pretty cool. - Lunar New Year this week. 新年快樂, y’all.
- Week 1 of unemployment is in the books! I (kind of?) stuck to my exercise regimen and signed up for my first Habitat for Humanity gig this week (there’s shockingly little need for volunteers right now).
- In a surprise to no one, Richmond’s Department of Public Utilities Director has “resigned” after that whole water debacle.
- My YMCAing idea didn’t quite go to plan. Between the random dude hanging out in the locker room singing about Jesus, the lone squat rack, and how crowded it still was at 10:30am, I just couldn’t be bothered to return after the first day. Instead, I picked up a set of adjustable dumbbells, and will just work with those until I’m in shape enough to need to lift something more substantial.
All this cold weather has apparently gotten to our mostly neglected Prius. The 12V battery has crapped out. Even if we had jumper cables (we don’t), apparently you’re not supposed to jump cars from the Bolt. So I picked up a portable battery jumper dingus. No thanks to Toyota’s extremely annoying design decisions*, it did ultimately do the trick, and the Prius runs once again.
* 1. You cannot open the trunk from outside the car if the battery is dead. So you have to climb into the trunk, remove the carpet, spare tire compartment, etc., stick your finger into a little hole to access a tiny lever to manually pop the trunk. 2. The battery is then inside a little compartment that also requires entirely too much fiddling to expose. And 3., the positive terminal is covered by this extremely fiddly red plastic shield that took like 10 minutes to figure out how to remove without breaking it. Most things on most Toyotas are usually very easy to work on. They must’ve outsourced the 12V battery system to a BMW engineer or something. Not a pleasant experience!
- Hold onto your butts. Gonna be a hell of a week ahead.
Well that about does 'er
Wraps 'er all up
- After last week’s snow, Richmond’s water system was knocked completely out. Water utilities are one of those things that receive zero fanfare, and are just kind of taken for granted. Looks like, Richmond’s had been neglected for a long time, including being headed by a wholly unqualitified University of Phoenix grad with zero engineering background. Wild. Hoping this kickstarts some much needed infrastructure investment in this city (and removing lots of past nepotism hires).
- Friday was my last day of work. We made it. Wrapping up this 13 year early retirement project feels less significant than I’d expected.
- Signed up for the YMCA in preparation for gym session #1 tomorrow
Cynthia and I were pushing the limits of our 200GB Family iCloud storage plan. I took that as a challenge to figure out an alternative to paying Apple a relatively absurd $11per month for the next storage tier. I wound up installing Immich on our NAS. It’s an aboslute delight so far! Really, it’s a nice piece of software. The web app is much more feature-rich and faster than Apple’s own iCloud Photos web app. The mobile app is roughly equivalent to Apple’s.
Hot tip for anyone attempting something similar: the Immich iOS app allows you to set an internal server address when your phone is on the same network as the server. Do this. It makes photo uploads much faster than having to go out over the internet.
- We went to watch the VCU women’s basketball game. Close game and VCU came out the victors.
- After last week’s snow, Richmond’s water system was knocked completely out. Water utilities are one of those things that receive zero fanfare, and are just kind of taken for granted. Looks like, Richmond’s had been neglected for a long time, including being headed by a wholly unqualitified University of Phoenix grad with zero engineering background. Wild. Hoping this kickstarts some much needed infrastructure investment in this city (and removing lots of past nepotism hires).
- Friday was my last day of work. We made it. Wrapping up this 13 year early retirement project feels less significant than I’d expected.
- Signed up for the YMCA in preparation for gym session #1 tomorrow
Cynthia and I were pushing the limits of our 200GB Family iCloud storage plan. I took that as a challenge to figure out an alternative to paying Apple a relatively absurd $11per month for the next storage tier. I wound up installing Immich on our NAS. It’s an aboslute delight so far! Really, it’s a nice piece of software. The web app is much more feature-rich and faster than Apple’s own iCloud Photos web app. The mobile app is roughly equivalent to Apple’s.
Hot tip for anyone attempting something similar: the Immich iOS app allows you to set an internal server address when your phone is on the same network as the server. Do this. It makes photo uploads much faster than having to go out over the internet.
- We went to watch the VCU women’s basketball game. Close game and VCU came out the victors.
Callin' It Quits
As I alluded to in my last post, I’ve got a big life change taking place this week. Tomorrow I’ll quit my (hopefully) last job ever. I’m dippin’ my toes into this early retirement thing I’ve been working towards over the past ~13 years or so. Right now, it feels a bit anticlimactic, if I’m being honest. Hopefully the significance sinks in in a good way in the coming weeks.
As of now, my plans are to take 3 months, and do 3 things:
- Sign up for the YMCA, and make going to the gym my new job.
- Volunteer a bunch at Habitat for Humanity.
- Otherwise, Peter Gibbons it up (in the “do nothing” sense, not the back-dooring my previous employer sense). Massively-reduced screen time is the goal here.
After that, I’ve got a million things I want to do, and I trust my curiosity will take me somewhere fun. We’ll figure all that out when the time comes. For now: a little bit of a reset is in order.
- Squid Games season 2 is straight traaaaaash. The whole premise borders on idiotic. And the rapper character is insufferably corny. Then on the final episode, it… kind of just ends in the middle of things. Not like a cliffhanger ending, really. Just a “wait. What?” type of ending. Bizarre.
- What’s the “Happy New Year” statute of limitations? I think we’re still safe. Happy New Year
- I forget how I even stumbled upon it, but this LiveViewNative platform seems super-neat. Instead of the typical web view style (a la Turbo Native), this is actually rendering SwiftUI components from a Phoenix server. There are obviously tradeoffs in doing things this way (e.g., you still have to write separate views for each client: web, iOS, android, watch, etc.) But it’s a totally valid option for “easy” native mobile apps that I didn’t know existed.
Goofy Gravity Golfing
- I got a notification that the coffee for The Decaf Project was delivered successfully to a P.O. box. I don’t have a P.O. box, so that was odd. After reaching out to the fine folks at Reserva, they confirmed they’d shipped it to my actual address, so it was a USPS mistake, but they decided to ship out a second set super-quickly. Just got the coffee this weekend, and it’s fantastic. Also really cool to try side-by-side coffees that have been decaffeinated using different processes. Cynthia and I both enjoyed the one decaffeinated via CO2 Subcritical Decaffeination. Our least favorite, sadly, was the Swiss Water process, which I was kind of hoping to like, since it seemed the simplest. But the taste buds felt differently.
- Walkabout Mini Golf is just a treasure. I’ve been playing a decent bit, and my first pass through any course, I just have a dumb smile plastered on my face. I just wrapped up playing the Upside Town course vs Jess, and it was nonstop laughs. Some really clever design, fully taking advantage of the VR medium.
- Spent some time battling a super-slow MySQL query at work. Turns out (at least in this case?), MySQL sucks at
ing things, and can handleUNION
ing things just fine. So… there you go. Hot tip du jour. - Made some big decisions that I’m not quite ready to share yet, but I’m nonetheless excited about.
- Baked my first sourdough in a while. My scoring could use some work, but otherwise, it came out pretty great.
Preparing to Chug a Bunch of Decaf
For Science!
- Remembered I had a handful of smart plugs I wasn’t using, so plugged the new Christmas tree lights into one of those bad-boys, and we’re now scheduled.
- As predicted, I fell off the Advent of Code exercises pretty quick. But I got through ~5 of ‘em, including this masterpiece of ugliness! Don’t judge me, I’m just embracing that whole worse is better idea.
- My comfort in the Metaverse has increased substantially this week! Upgraded the Quest with some shiny new Zenni lenses so I can see spectacle-free and a new head strap that’s miles better than the cheap dingus Meta sells the thing with.
- Met up with some friends for brunch and boozin’ on Saturday. The brewery we wound up at happens to also stock Uncool non-alcoholic beers. It was my first exposure to them, and I gotta say: I like the branding. And the beer was actually pretty decent too, as far as N/A beers go, anyway.
- Ordered up my tasting kit for the The Decaf Project and ready to compare the results from these decaffeination methods.
- Remembered I had a handful of smart plugs I wasn’t using, so plugged the new Christmas tree lights into one of those bad-boys, and we’re now scheduled.
- As predicted, I fell off the Advent of Code exercises pretty quick. But I got through ~5 of ‘em, including this masterpiece of ugliness! Don’t judge me, I’m just embracing that whole worse is better idea.
- My comfort in the Metaverse has increased substantially this week! Upgraded the Quest with some shiny new Zenni lenses so I can see spectacle-free and a new head strap that’s miles better than the cheap dingus Meta sells the thing with.
- Met up with some friends for brunch and boozin’ on Saturday. The brewery we wound up at happens to also stock Uncool non-alcoholic beers. It was my first exposure to them, and I gotta say: I like the branding. And the beer was actually pretty decent too, as far as N/A beers go, anyway.
- Ordered up my tasting kit for the The Decaf Project and ready to compare the results from these decaffeination methods.
Giving Thanks
- I read on Reddit that Target had printed some incorrect discount codes on the Meta Quest3. I asked Cynthia to go check it out. Our local Target had apparently already corrected the error. But somehow, Cynthia still walked out of there with a 30% discounted Quest3. So, say hello to a new citizen of the metaverse or whatever.
- This KTM fiasco just keeps looking more grim by the day. Hard to take anything they officially say seriously, either, given their long history of being extremely dishonest.
- Advent of Code has begun. Sticking to my Go theme, I’m attempting at least some of ‘em in Go. Working in other languages always makes me realize how spoiled us Rubyists really are. Example I found today: in Go, the absolute value function only works on Floats. So if you want to get the absolute value of an integer, you either have to write your own function (no biggie, but.. y’know) or convert your int to a float, call the function, then convert it back to an int again. Little things like this can sometimes make Go feel borderline anemic.
- Black Friday shoppers spent a record $10.8 Billion. Isn’t that crazy? Because less than a month ago, we were all unable to feed our families because inflation was out of control, groceries were too expensive, etc. Wild how quickly that whole conundrum got resolved. Must be some of that good old fashioned American exceptionalism. USA! USA!
- My digestive tract handled the Thanksgiving Day hot pot fiesta just fine! Thanks for askin’.
- Jess had a birthday. We had some beers at the always-lovely Penny Lane Pub.
- We grabbed a
ChristmasHoliday Tree! It’s my first time buying a tree, I think, ever in my adult life. We’ve got it decked out in some decorative mushrooms (thanks mom).
Monkeying Around
...with Go
- I picked up Thorsten Ball’s Writing an Interpreter in Go book, and have been slowly working my way through it. You can follow along on my journey to implement Monkeylang.
- Speaking of Go, I’m planning on attempting this year’s Advent of Code in Go this year. Before I get overwhelmed and or tired of it, like I do every year, anyway.
- I finally stopped procrastinating the installation of my new POE cameras, and spelunked into the crawlspace to do some drilling. It didn’t go great, so project has once again been suspended. Just ordered a flexible drillbit, some fishing tape, and an oscillating multitool to help this go a bit more smoothly. We’ll try again next week!
- Jess acquired a Quest3, which he let us all tinker around with. I hadn’t tried VR anything in probably 10 years. It’s seriously impressive how far that technology has progressed. Playing iRacing in VR made me feel uneasy within literal seconds of pushing the gas pedal. I was full-on motion sick within 2 laps. Pretty brutal. Less motiony stuff—like the paddle golf game—was really cool, though. I’m contemplating picking one up for myself just to try my hand at the whole “spatial computing” idea without forking over the cash for an Apple Vision Pro.
- Time to start mentally preparing my digestive tract for the annual Ourand Thanksgiving Day Hot Pot Feast of Feasts.
- I picked up Thorsten Ball’s Writing an Interpreter in Go book, and have been slowly working my way through it. You can follow along on my journey to implement Monkeylang.
- Speaking of Go, I’m planning on attempting this year’s Advent of Code in Go this year. Before I get overwhelmed and or tired of it, like I do every year, anyway.
- I finally stopped procrastinating the installation of my new POE cameras, and spelunked into the crawlspace to do some drilling. It didn’t go great, so project has once again been suspended. Just ordered a flexible drillbit, some fishing tape, and an oscillating multitool to help this go a bit more smoothly. We’ll try again next week!
- Jess acquired a Quest3, which he let us all tinker around with. I hadn’t tried VR anything in probably 10 years. It’s seriously impressive how far that technology has progressed. Playing iRacing in VR made me feel uneasy within literal seconds of pushing the gas pedal. I was full-on motion sick within 2 laps. Pretty brutal. Less motiony stuff—like the paddle golf game—was really cool, though. I’m contemplating picking one up for myself just to try my hand at the whole “spatial computing” idea without forking over the cash for an Apple Vision Pro.
- Time to start mentally preparing my digestive tract for the annual Ourand Thanksgiving Day Hot Pot Feast of Feasts.
Three in a row, here we go
- Went to watch Jess run the Richmond (half) Marathon on Saturday. We were able to walk over to Bellevue, which was a rather happenin’ segment of the race. That neighborhood goes all out for the race, with all manner of booze, candy, and pickles for the runners.
- Had my first “range anxiety” experience with the Bolt. Drove up to have lunch with for family friend’s surprise birthday celebration, and didn’t take into account the range estimation being based on our usual city driving and not so much for highway driving. We still made it there and back with a whopping 15 miles left on the battery, so no big deal!
- Well, the 2024 MotoGP season has ended, and we’ve got a new champ! Congrats to Jorge. And also congrats to Cynthia for whippin’ everyone’s ass in the fantasy GP again this year.
- Went to watch Jess run the Richmond (half) Marathon on Saturday. We were able to walk over to Bellevue, which was a rather happenin’ segment of the race. That neighborhood goes all out for the race, with all manner of booze, candy, and pickles for the runners.
- Had my first “range anxiety” experience with the Bolt. Drove up to have lunch with for family friend’s surprise birthday celebration, and didn’t take into account the range estimation being based on our usual city driving and not so much for highway driving. We still made it there and back with a whopping 15 miles left on the battery, so no big deal!
- Well, the 2024 MotoGP season has ended, and we’ve got a new champ! Congrats to Jorge. And also congrats to Cynthia for whippin’ everyone’s ass in the fantasy GP again this year.
Weekly Notes?
Check out this streak
- After some schmucks stole our car’s catalytic
converter I took the
car to a local mechanic to see what it’d cost to fix. They quoted me over
$4k. I’m much too cheap for that nonsense. So I bought the parts myself, and
just completed the work tonight. All in, it cost me about $400 and a couple
hours wrenchin’ with my dad. Not a bad deal!
- Relatedly, I’ll be installing a couple security cameras outside the house.
Just acquired a spool of cat 6 cable, some reolink cameras, and will be
trying a proper PoE setup after my current wifi cameras failed spectacularly.
- Oh yea. An election happened. And… what an indictment that is of us
Americans. We are a stupid, angry, hateful bunch of people. We need help.
- We binge watched
Disclaimer this week.
It was really good. My only gripe is that it was maybe a bit too graphic at
times. It took me a bit to recognize Kevin Kline, who’s less hilarious than
in his usual roles.
- I went to a bar that had live music. The artist started singing a song with
the lyrics “who put PCP in the lobster chowder?”. It was a catchy little
tune, so I had to look it up, and was shocked to discover that this was a
real story that happened while filming The Titanic in
- After some schmucks stole our car’s catalytic converter I took the car to a local mechanic to see what it’d cost to fix. They quoted me over $4k. I’m much too cheap for that nonsense. So I bought the parts myself, and just completed the work tonight. All in, it cost me about $400 and a couple hours wrenchin’ with my dad. Not a bad deal!
- Relatedly, I’ll be installing a couple security cameras outside the house. Just acquired a spool of cat 6 cable, some reolink cameras, and will be trying a proper PoE setup after my current wifi cameras failed spectacularly.
- Oh yea. An election happened. And… what an indictment that is of us Americans. We are a stupid, angry, hateful bunch of people. We need help.
- We binge watched Disclaimer this week. It was really good. My only gripe is that it was maybe a bit too graphic at times. It took me a bit to recognize Kevin Kline, who’s less hilarious than in his usual roles.
- I went to a bar that had live music. The artist started singing a song with the lyrics “who put PCP in the lobster chowder?”. It was a catchy little tune, so I had to look it up, and was shocked to discover that this was a real story that happened while filming The Titanic in 1999.