
Callin' It Quits

  • As I alluded to in my last post, I’ve got a big life change taking place this week. Tomorrow I’ll quit my (hopefully) last job ever. I’m dippin’ my toes into this early retirement thing I’ve been working towards over the past ~13 years or so. Right now, it feels a bit anticlimactic, if I’m being honest. Hopefully the significance sinks in in a good way in the coming weeks.

    As of now, my plans are to take 3 months, and do 3 things:

    1. Sign up for the YMCA, and make going to the gym my new job.
    2. Volunteer a bunch at Habitat for Humanity.
    3. Otherwise, Peter Gibbons it up (in the “do nothing” sense, not the back-dooring my previous employer sense). Massively-reduced screen time is the goal here.

    After that, I’ve got a million things I want to do, and I trust my curiosity will take me somewhere fun. We’ll figure all that out when the time comes. For now: a little bit of a reset is in order.

  • Squid Games season 2 is straight traaaaaash. The whole premise borders on idiotic. And the rapper character is insufferably corny. Then on the final episode, it… kind of just ends in the middle of things. Not like a cliffhanger ending, really. Just a “wait. What?” type of ending. Bizarre.
  • What’s the “Happy New Year” statute of limitations? I think we’re still safe. Happy New Year
  • I forget how I even stumbled upon it, but this LiveViewNative platform seems super-neat. Instead of the typical web view style (a la Turbo Native), this is actually rendering SwiftUI components from a Phoenix server. There are obviously tradeoffs in doing things this way (e.g., you still have to write separate views for each client: web, iOS, android, watch, etc.) But it’s a totally valid option for “easy” native mobile apps that I didn’t know existed.