Well that about does 'er
Wraps 'er all up
- After last week’s snow, Richmond’s water system was knocked completely out. Water utilities are one of those things that receive zero fanfare, and are just kind of taken for granted. Looks like, Richmond’s had been neglected for a long time, including being headed by a wholly unqualitified University of Phoenix grad with zero engineering background. Wild. Hoping this kickstarts some much needed infrastructure investment in this city (and removing lots of past nepotism hires).
- Friday was my last day of work. We made it. Wrapping up this 13 year early retirement project feels less significant than I’d expected.
- Signed up for the YMCA in preparation for gym session #1 tomorrow
Cynthia and I were pushing the limits of our 200GB Family iCloud storage plan. I took that as a challenge to figure out an alternative to paying Apple a relatively absurd $11per month for the next storage tier. I wound up installing Immich on our NAS. It’s an aboslute delight so far! Really, it’s a nice piece of software. The web app is much more feature-rich and faster than Apple’s own iCloud Photos web app. The mobile app is roughly equivalent to Apple’s.
Hot tip for anyone attempting something similar: the Immich iOS app allows you to set an internal server address when your phone is on the same network as the server. Do this. It makes photo uploads much faster than having to go out over the internet.
- We went to watch the VCU women’s basketball game. Close game and VCU came out the victors.