
Extremely Clean

  • I’ve gotten a bit spoiled already, and pretty much can’t stand going anywhere during peak hours when John Q. Public is off work. I forgot Monday was a federal holiday, and went to a local cafe to get a little afternoon coffee with Cynthia until we saw the crowd. We noped out of there, and I made some fancy coffees at home instead. <insert some pithy line about voters’ economic anxiety>
  • I migrated the bell pepper seeds to sit on top of the refrigerator, thinking some heat may help ‘em sprout. It worked! Looks like we’ll be swimming in bell peppers by the summer as planned.
  • Went to a freshly constructed library near us just to get out of the house. I tinkered around with Loco for a bit while there.
  • More snow! I’m really just over it, man.
  • I’ve been using *nix systems of some type or another since the aughts. And I just learned that you can do string substitution in parameter expansion. I used this the other day to rename a bunch of files. It looks like this:
    for file in some*.files
      mv $file ${file//replace_me/with_this}

    Very handy!

  • My relationship with the HelloChinese app has reached the state where it’s comfortable straight lying to me:
  • Important reminder: 🗓️Pancake Day is Tuesday. Don’t forget to… well, you know the drill 🥞
  • Finally paid my dues for Jess’s 2024 MotoGP Video Game championship dinner + drinks deal. He doesn’t read this blog, so I can be honest: he whipped my ass this year. If you are reading this, Jess: fuck you.
  • Not sure if you’ve noticed, but there have been an upsetting number of sieg heils flying about lately…