
Pickly Feet

  • Marc Marquez is undisputedly back! Unfortunately, that probably means a boring 2025 MotoGP season awaits us. But what an incredible comeback story this could be.
  • Foolishly played a couple hours of Pickle Ball on Thursday in my old beat up Vans Authentic shoes, resulting in some gnarly foot blisters. Oops. Lesson learned there! Proper footwear: important.
  • While we’re on the topic of pickle ball, I acquired my very own set of pickle ball racquets paddles. Sad to report, I still absolutely suck. But I did win two games (of probably 30) this week. So you could say things are improving.
  • National Pancake Day: the second round. A photo of the pancakes I made for National Pancake Day
  • Some days, it feels like learning Mandarin to a useful degree is just unrealistic. Other days, it really feels like things are clicking. Yesterday—after finally understanding how to use 了—felt like the latter. 真在我學中文很好.
  • Remade the same eggplant dish I made a couple weeks back, but cut out all the funny business: no pre-salting, no deep frying. About a bajillion times easier, and it came out every bit as good.
  • Migrated our onion sets out to the raised bed garden. Fingers cross’t for no more frost. 🤞