Finished reading The Courage To Be
per a Justin Searls
recommendation. It’s a very odd
format, where the whole book is basically the dialogue between a student and
a adlerian philosopher. This was my first exposure to Adler. Much of it feels
dismissive of people’s problems—unempathetic, maybe?! But it’s an
interesting angle, nonetheless. It caused me to do a little reflection on my
own thought-patterns. Too early to tell if any lasting good will come from it.
Once again obliterated my feet attempting to not get killed—and failing–in
pickleball. I’ve acquired new shoes, so hopefully we can put this painful
saga behind us.
Made a new bud at the pickle ball courts. He’s from China originally, so I
utilized a few of my recently learned Chinese words to tell him: 我會説中文一點點 (“I can speak
a little Chinese!”). He (very generously) said I pronounced it perfectly. I
left the Chinese speaking there, so as to not embarrass myself any further.
Hosted a little pizza party for Pi Day. Cooked up 6 pizzas on the Ooni. Used
my 50/50 bread flour/00 flour @ 70% hydration recipe, and it came out just
perfectly. Won’t change a thing next time.
Celebrated St. Patrick—famed pincher and drinker of green beer—at Jess’s.
He cooked up a meddley of Irish-themed fare, plus a couple Irish Coffees (or,
as they call them in Ireland: coffees).
MotoGP round 2 is in the books. Another Marquez brothers demolition job. I
know it’s probably going to get old quick if it’s anything like many of
Marc’s pre-2020 seasons. But for now, I’m happily cheering it on.